Thursday 27 February 2014

Study brief 2 a Visual response

My essay was focused in on illustration aimed at children.

5 Pieces of art work:


"Form ever follows function" Louis Sullivan

"everything about it is calculated to reveal rather than hide the beautiful thing which it was meant to contain"

"Now the man who first chose glass instead of clay or metal to hold his wine was a 'modernist' in the sense in which I am going to use that term. That is, the first thing he asked of his particular object was not 'How should it look?' but 'What must it do?' and to that extent all good typography is modernist."
Beatrice Warde, The crystal goblet

"We must, of course, first ask what are the outstanding characteristics of children? What most markedly differentiates them from adults is that they are not grown and they are growing" Jacquelyn Sanders


5 People

Mari Kajo - Suddenly cats
Andy Ristaino

Quentin Blake

Eric Carle


1: How does the form of the illustration affect the audience; children.
2: How are other senses involved in children's illustration and books.
3: How is the construction and aesthetic of the book used to engage children?