Thursday 8 May 2014

End of Module Evaluation

In this project from the beginning it was clear it would be heavily researched.  The essay took  lot of reading and sifting through information, I was quite a bit short on the word count but after the interim hand in Richard says I managed to pass it. Once I'd finished I started to work on the visual response. The beginning was great, being told to just fill a sketch pad. I drew a lot the first day and completed multiple pages. But then researching to inform my drawing, I struggled to find relevant academic texts and the wording of the documents were complicated. I had a break in the middle of this project where I was working on other modules and in retrospect I let this one go forgotten for too long. But with lots of planning and thumb nailing I managed to pull it into a summative final piece.

1. From the beginning I knew what I wanted to say in my essay, a conclusion tot he question. My conclusion being that form is a function of children's illustration. I think this helped to keep a constant in my work because I focused on that point and worked everything towards it.
2. The sketchpad worked well, mainly at the beginning when this was a new project and I was really into it.

1. I struggled to understand the information that helped inform the essay. I think if I'd invested more time in reading and analysing the information I'd have had an easier time writing it and then in turn working on a visual response.
2. The gap I took in the middle of this project I feel is apparent and obvious; the sketches stop being pages flowing from one to the next developing and suddenly it was uncognitive and the character style changed slightly with no development to get there. The other projects I'd been working on affected the drawing I did for this project. If I'd carried on working on this steadily throughout I think that the final piece would have been more summative of what I'd learnt. At this point I feel that the end was more of just a rush to find a suitable final product.

What I've learnt:
1. Function is important but in children's illustration form seems equally important.
2. Organisation is key. Keeping a steady pace of work load makes it easier to develop ideas and makes your decisions flow from one to the next.
3. Mini evaluations throughout, pick out any factors that need improving and help you to realise when something isn't working.

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