Tuesday 20 October 2015


Theory and Research in mass communication theory: contexts and consequences, David K Perry, Lawrence Erlbaum, United States, 2001, p242-243

"In the early hours of March 13, 1964, a man grabbed 28 year old Kitty Genovese as she walked towards her Queens, New York apartment. He repeatedly stabbed her, left, and returned to stab her again. Neighbours heard screams but failed to call the police until after she dies. In a unique way the case touched the conscience of U.S. residents and even helped inspire a popular topical song, 'outside of a small circle of friends'. Some of Genovese's neighbours later said they were afraid or did not want to get involved. An elderly woman who lived in the same building as the victim reported hearing night time screaming on many other occasions. Trying to understand this evident lack of empathy requires difficult speculation, but perhaps the woman had become numb to cries by other human beings."

I think the song is a similar effect to the Boomtown rats song in about Brenda Ann Spencer's shooting spree in 1979. Her reasoning for it was simply 'I don't like mondays. This livens up the day'. Its interesting to see how it was reacted to at the time. Because it would not be viewed as lightly if there was a song made about one of the many shootings in america. I think there was a different view to the violence back then. In this instance it's hard to say whether we were more sensitive then or now. Because I think the main reason it wouldn't be acceptable now is because of an obsession with being politically correct. were in a society now where when you communicate you can communicate with the whole world if you want to and so now we've entered a stag where we are desperately trying to protect everyones feelings. In fear of legal repremandation. We have a culture of suing now.

This quote also made me think of the article I referenced in last years cop project, I'll have to refine it. But it was an interview with Sue Coe and in one part she was discussing how she had once seen a man late at night in the road screaming and shouting. And how her first reaction was fear and to stay inside but in the end it turns out he was a blind man in need. It just questions our sense of community and whether we even have one without trusting each other.

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