Thursday 10 October 2013

5 Designs Love/Hate

The first design i have chosen that makes me passionate is a design i truly hate. The sofa's in our flat consist of lumbar support and lumbar support alone. although they are furnished in faux leather which makes them easy  wipe-able for those messy student accidents but the sleekness of the material makes all substances slide down to our stain absorbent carpet.

My second design is that of the character Pikachu. Aimed at kids they picked an adorable mouse like design. Then with a splash of sunshine yellow its ready for child viewing. The designers went all out for making it as cute as possible to draw in an audience with children then gave it powerful attacks to draw in a further crowd of children.
Derek Hess designed this poster and i love the use of the loose line form and big angry strokes. The arrangement of the text with picture is chaotic and shows the genre of the poster.

This design i love because it is my favourite mug as it has Jake from Adventure time on. The two things that i think stand out most about Jake is his crazy stretching powers which i think leaves a lot of room for experimentation for the crazy shapes his limbs can make. Secondly his eyes, the only difference between his eyes and the ones of cartoons airing now is that the whites of his eyes are reversed and he's sporting white pupils. It's a simple change but the backward nature of it fits the feel of the entire cartoon with its new odd genre.

My last chosen design falls into the hate category. The Leeds Met Broadcasting tower is a rusty colour and large and angular. The materials used were meant to encourage the growth of moss to create a tower of greenery but being in the centre of Leeds the air quality is not quite up to moss standards. 

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