Thursday 17 October 2013

Image analysis exercise

The immediate mood of the pieces is different because the top picture is a British propaganda poster encouraging people to join the war whereas the bottom is an American advert for a stove/oven.  In the first image the text is neatly laid out at the bottom; the font is a classy style that’s not too informal. The text is subtle as is the message so it fits the purpose. In the second image the text is splayed at an angle so that is looks imprinted on the carpet. The font is a big, bold and bulky style, which fits the purpose as its an advertisement and its purpose is to be noticed.

The audiences for each differ greatly as one is looking for young men to go off and fight in the war and has quite a serious message whereas the other is looking to the American citizens and tempting them into buying their product.  But the way in which each image draws in their audience is similar; they are both patriotic images.  In the British one the first element of patriotism is the message as it is about fighting for your country, secondly the child is playing with beefeaters; a recognised object that represents Britain and the British way of life.

The images also share another element; that of family. Each image has tried to draw its audience in with the image of a loving family.  The top one attempts to persuades the audience by the idea of having stories to tell your children and making them proud of you. In the second image the family is used to create a homely feel giving the idea that no family is complete without this oven. The world is also seated at the table showing that with this oven the world is your family or that the oven could feed the world, both making the oven seem more desirable which is the purpose of the image.

The word ‘Great’ in the text on the top image is used, but the advert was displayed during the wart before they knew whether or not it would be a successful one. This word shows the vigilant hope of the people making the propaganda. Showing the man with his children makes it look like after the war you will continue a normal life and does not represent any of the deaths or injuries that were taking place. This image gives the war a sense of grandeur, at the time this played an important part in recruiting as moral was low and people were afraid to die. So this image played on the things that people were still proud of throughout the war and fierce to protect; Patriotism and family.

In the second image the visual synecdoche of Uncle Sam is reminiscent of the war efforts, the patriotism involved in it and represents America through his character. By using this character in the advert it almost gives a sense of duty as he was used in the American propaganda war posters  ‘Uncle Sam Needs You’ telling American citizens it was their duty and honour to fight for their country. But in the context of an advert the visual aesthetics aren’t as demanding and are much more informal. Making Uncle Sam a character of standing now the war is over and he is a hero, which is something to be admired, and hopefully that admiration will transfer over to their product the oven.

All in all the two images are very different in purpose but in the way they draw each of their audiences in the y use similar elements of patriotism and family.

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