Saturday 21 November 2015

Kitty Genevese

So i tried to make it into an issuu document but this happened and I've no idea why. So here it is in a list of images:

I decided to do my sine in coloured pencil because its been a while since i had a play with analogue media. Unfortunately I did the last two pages portrait by accident so with some sneaky editing with the patch tool they were fixed to landscape. This was a quick piece of work to kick start my cop practical, I think it worked because I've been drawing more since.

In my tutorial with Fred he didn't really like it. He said "zines are for amateurs, professionals don't make zines". I don't think thats true, i've bought many zines from professionals. But i get what he was trying to say, its not enough for a cop practical piece, but as i said this was more of a tool to start the visual thinking process and not really to be a final piece. 
I liked using the poetry again, I think it adds a good flow to my narrative work and it means that I don't have to draw as many details, I only have to illustrate the verse. I quite like the idea of doing short comics, but a set of them so its not just a stand alone thing. 

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