Saturday 21 November 2015

Thinking practical

I was thinking through themes and what could be the overarching theme I take into my practical.
Trust is a big theme in my essay because it speaks about people not trusting each other and the loss of community. But another running theme was protecting children. Especially among the films because they have been rated with the protection of children in mind, there are banned films to protect children, should they ever see them. It's less about protecting the film watching community but more about tip toeing around the next generation, fearing that we will negatively influence them and start a new crime wave and loss of morality. 
Thats when I was thinking of a more literal way to protect children which was to give them blinders like horses. I like mocking the idea of it and I think thats what I want to say with my practical work. That we shouldn't have to adjust what can be released for children who are not meant to watch it anyway. Surely it is the parents responsability to protect their child from adult media. I want to step out of the 'norm' to protect everyones feelings and views. With social media connecting everyone so that everyone has a voice it means that anyone could disagree with you and their voice would be heard, therefore being a detriment to your original message. I want to hurt feelings and be disapproved of. 
At this point my idea is a layered image that is on one layer horrific and full of horrible things in a lot of detail. But then the following layers will dress it up and edit it to make it more suitable for younger age groups. But it will be over exaggerated edits to show that my opinion is opposing to it.

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