Thursday 14 January 2016

Cultivation: Journey of making

 So i started with my coloured pencil play and I was really enjoying the idea of this one with the lift up panels. I liked the hidden part becoming revealed. Because it showed that the reality  of it was normal but the hidden underneath showed the fear.

Fred pointed out to me that although I wanted to do a different style for each book they should still look relatively similar. Since the Desensitisation and the Copy cat book both used similar line quality and process of drawing this one looked out of place. I decided that I would take the colour parts that I learned but that I would draw it with line work so that it linked with the other books. I would have liked to use the coloured pencils and just overlaid the line so I could keep the texture, but again it looked odd for just one book to be coloured analogue. So I had to sacrifice a lot of the development in this comic so that it would work with the others and my continuity would be strong. 

I went straight into making final images as this was one of the books that I was running out of time for. I added in more line as texture to fill out the lack of texture digital colour was going to give. I think this made it sort nicely between the desens and copycat books style wise. 

I made this one the most covering, and just had a door covering up the violent part. I liked the connotations of peeking through a door with the chain still on. It hints it's in a rough area, the person opening the door is already untrusting and doesn't fully expose themselves. But when you lift the flap you see that the chain stopped them seeing the shooter in the bushes, or at least thats what the person behind the door assumes is what they can't see.

In this one I just filled in the violence with the rest of the other scene so they were simply not there in reality. The only hint of them being the endue of the womans hand, just illuminated by the lamppost. I added in the swirling non connecting lines I used in the last comic to further link the styles and also because the wavering, loose outline seemed to suit something non-solid such as light.

For this one I covered them up with the moon and some clouds, this one plays with the fears regarding youth culture and the assumption that majoritive teens are aggressive and violent. I consciously left the sky blank behind them and decided to just make it really dark and night time. This was because I was becoming painfully aware of time slipping away and I was trying to do lots of things to shave time off of my production. Again it is obvious that my project was completely product and concept based as I was determined to finish what I set out to do.

I decided to not go with the idea of doing a half and half logo because the book was about hidden things so it didn't fit anymore. I actually made a covering flap for this so that the man wouldn't be seen until you lifted up the burger, with the only hint being the faces worried expression. But i didn't fully consider production as the flap would have to be glued/taped to the other side and that would make the inlay look un professional. So I ended up not including it as I think the image makes the 'hiding' concept obvious, because he is literally hiding. He's just hidden really obviously. 

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