Thursday 14 January 2016

Tell me what you see: Journey of making

This is where the idea to overlay the blue and red line first started, relatively simple sketch at the time. I was thinking of using it for desensitisation but it seemed like a clever way to show the two sides of a new story in my concluding comic. I renamed this comic 'tell me what you see' because the other one was a question and the question mark didn't fit in well with the title page style.

This was the last book I worked on and there was a real sense of urgency to get the pages drawn out and finished in time for my pre booked print slot. I missed that slot because i ran out of time but managed to get these done for the next day. This first one shows how news can be reported as worse than it is and i chose an daily understood and recognised example; protesting. This shows a protest shown as being aggressive when in reality it is a sit down peaceful protest. But peaceful doesn't sell in the news. I liked how the characters came through in this piece, i used reference for full body shapes as i tend to struggle with realistic poses that don't look static. Although the leaning riot guard was without reference and was done quite quickly without drawing our the mechanics of joints and lengths like i normally try to do. This taught me that sometimes the best way to make a pose look natural is to take liberties with the body shape and exaggerate some parts. And generally not worrying about it made it come out much easier. If i had more time I would have liked to make a bigger crowd scene and really explored the reality of drawing mass amounts of bodies.

This one talks about news stories that are made out to be less and so I chose the idea of government officials taking liberties with tax money. The lesser image shows a politician steal a tenner from a working man. But the reality image shows the politician with his two houses and filling his pool with tax money. It is an over exaggerated image but it helped to show the concept of the piece a bit more clearly. I don't like the quality of the below drawing though, if i had more time i would have redrawn this as it didn't seem to fit quality wise with the other images. The line work seems rushed but time constraints meant i jut had to deal and try and fix some parts in photoshop.

For my last image I wanted to include a small bag of salt. So that i could say here is the pinch of salt to take your media with. This seemed to be the entire point of the whole practical pice and this statement seemed to conclude it. Which is what i wanted this comic to do. I was going to originally have two news scenes exactly the same overlay sand slightly off set to show that sometimes the news also reports accurately. But with the idea of the salt I felt it was better to just put a character talking directly to the reader, to really simple spell out the message to them. I drew myself because it is my opinion and also i'm quite quick  at drawing myself and this helped shave a bit of time off. It'll still use both colours and be slightly off set but I think that could create a cool 3d effect. Also the red and blue slightly offset kind of looks like when an old tv wasn't quite in focus and around the edges you could see the offset of the RGB.

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