Thursday 14 January 2016


So time was becoming an issue and I saw that I worked the quickest when I knew exactly what I was aiming for so I decided to plan out all the books including the amount of pages, colour schemes, etc.

I was especially pleased that I planned the colour schemes because in many of my projects colour is an after thought and then ends up being something that makes my work look less of a professional quality. 

Desensitisation : Colour scheme is black and white and red and yellow
I chose the black and white because I feel it looks more gritty and the state of the sallow rotting skin can be left to a bit of imagination, But I wanted to include some colour to make it 'pop' and to highlight parts. Red and Yellow seemed like colours that are associated with warning signs and danger so I thought they would act as a relevant colour scheme. Red was necessary for the blood but the yellow added a nice contrast and also brightened up the image which would other wise be dark greys and then a warm colour, I felt like it needed something cooler to balance it out. 

Copycat: Colour scheme complimentary, fully colures bright
I wanted these colours to look as inviting as possible because the poetry does the job of high lighting the ridiculous nature of these negative pin ups. I wanted complimentary because it fits in with the pin up concept. 

Cultivation: Contrasting, textured minimal lines
I wanted to work in just colour like in my colour pencil experimentation and use the contrasting colours to give that sense of urgency that complimented the hidden dangers. 

I have also decided that I will modify my logo for the front of every book to visually explain what the theory is. Desensitisation will be a rotting dead head on a mouldy burger, Copycat will have a second head skewered to the burger, and cultivation will be half and half, normal and violent.
Each book is made up of 3 double spreads so that it is enough to make a decent sized comic but also to reduce the amount of work overall that I have to complete. 

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