Thursday 14 January 2016

My mini tv brings all the boys to the yard

My mini tv went over well and people liked that I'd made a prototype as well as a diagram. There was comment that my project seemed quite ambitious and they asked whether I thought I had time to complete it all. Acceptable at this point I'd reached a moment of stubbornness as I wanted to complete the whole project so that I could see the final product. It is already clear how product and concept lead my project bass been. Kane gave me multiple people's work to look at, mainly concerning context for the desensitisation book, but that was the one I was working on the most at the time. I was also told to get on with my blog in this feedback session. Clearly I didn't listen to that advice but I felt like the blogging could wait because I knew I could get it done and it's a task that isn't too hard. Whereas with the essay and the practical I wasn't so sure I'd manage it so I sank a lot of time into getting those parts of my cop up to standard.


I like how the block red stands out. For my desensitisation colour scheme I definitely need a red to show the blood but also because the connotations of red are angry, danger, panic; all the things I'd like to convey.

Johnny Ryan - Prison pit
I already enjoy Johnny Ryans work but this panel really showed the kind of gore I want to show. I like using a mottled black to represent the general flesh and innards, I've been struggling to get a texture that is appropriate for innards falling out that are non specific. This scribbly texture will work well for the gaps between the few body organs I know how to draw.

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