Thursday 14 January 2016

Epiphany Moment

I came up for the idea of how I want my final pieces to look. I'd seen a sewing box in a charity shop that had collapsing sides once the lid was removed and then in each side there were the different equipment needed. I liked how compact it looked and it seemed like a clever way to house my comics. 

I'd mistakenly made my comics about children and censorship in a panic for the last crit, and i realise n ow that has very little to do with my essay. Also it was too vague a point, I work better when my project is structured around a solid point that i fully understand. So I wanted to take it away from children as they are definitely not my target audience.

I decided to use the three media theories that were informing my essay because they were something I had a solid understanding of and I had found it particularly interesting researching the effects of them. Theories are: Cultivation, Copycat, Desensitisation. But I realised that there is four sides to my design of the box and I wanted to fill each side so that the project looked balanced and complete. At this point I wasn't sure what my final book would be but I wanted it to somehow conclude visually the other books. Its the part that I would use to make it clear what my opinion or message is. 

I decided to have each book have a different way of dealing with the theory. 
Copycat: Romantisized crimes, maybe a mirror at the back? 'this could be you'

Cultivation: Layered pages that lift to reveal a more violent scene

Desensitisation: Going up in levels of gore to become desensitised fully.

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