Wednesday 13 January 2016

Rewrite Tsunami

So in honesty I took a week off blogging while I finished off my first dissertation, planning that I would catch up the week after. But then I had to rewrite the whole dissertation and it completely threw off my time managing and I basically felt like I didn't have time to blog anything. So my blogging has massively suffered. I actually kept taking pictures of my work as I progressed so I've got something to base my blogging on. I'm going to go through the main decisions and development moments and talk about the problems I encountered. I'm going to go though the drawing process of each book separately so it is clear how they developed. And I tended to work on one after another anyway. Although it probably would have been better to the continuity of quality if I had worked on them all at once, let them develop together.

In conclusion,
I don't like writing any more
I'm about to blog like never before
see my process bump and grow
development both fast and slow
14 hours til deadline
Will I get it in on time?

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