Tuesday 28 April 2015

8 Page WHAT?

So being the well read up student I am I am only just realising that this has to be an 8-12 page book. So far I've been planning to produce a set of prints, so it shouldn't be too much of a shift in design but it means that I will be doing more pages. So I need to get my topics down. 
I want to take news stories and issues that are happening now and are relevant and question peoples level of care towards them. The currentness of the topics should show the urgency of the topics and I think it makes it harder hitting if it is specific and of the moment.
I tried to get an array of different subjects so that each drawing could be unique and stand apart form the others.

Ideas for female circumcision. Theres high potential for some truly unnerving gore with this topic. Tis image is far too tame for the shock tactics I want to use. 

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