Tuesday 28 April 2015

Spot on

Getting my spot Illustrations done, turns out since with the other topics I've had to come up with at least 14 different characters/positions and stuff it wasn't as hard as i expected to just come up with one representative image.
With the homeless man initially I had drawn the box too shallow so when I drew him in he didn't fit, but I worked with it and made his torso eaten by rats. I want to shock the audience by showing them the extrmemes.

Female circumcision was going to be the gory-est from the start so I felt the composition of the piece would be important.
Here the body shapes are too awkward to fit in a box nicely.

This one I tried to make the hands holding a big part of it but the giant hands are making it look a bit 'fairytale'

I tried the hands on the outside but it makes it look more tribal like she's a virgin sacrifice.

I decided to have multiple hands coming in from the box to show how outnumbered she is but also to draw the line of site between her legs where the gore will be.

I think the facial expression went really well here the right amount of distress and confusion.

For the sanctions one I basically had to literally show someone dead by suicide. I was thinking either someone hanging or a pill overdose for the possibility of vomit drawing. But I like the hanging one better because it offers up a different box shape, creating variation in the book. And because its more recognisable from just a silhouette.

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