Tuesday 28 April 2015

Ferguson Riots

12 bullets in Michael Brown
Residents created a makeshift memorial and reportedly a policeman allowed his dog to urinate on it.
Tear gas. Rubber bullets. Used by the police because protesters started to throw rocks.
August 12 several hundred protesters gathered in Clayton seeking criminal prosecution.
Smoke bombs, flash grenades also used by police.
Protesters started to throw molotov cocktails
Obama addressed the country: 'there's no excuse for police to use excessive force against peaceful protestors'
"Militarisation of the police escalated the protestors response.
12-5am curfew was inputted.
some Police have been wearing 'I am Darren Wilson' bracelets on duty.

A twelve bullet decoration,
A racist infestation.
Wildfire allegations,
At a Missouri police station.
A memorial for the altercation,
Purposely defiled by urination.
An uproar of confrontation,
Peaceful and violent demonstration.
Clashing opinions lead to escalation,
Authorities strive for unification.
A community riled by indignation
Without mediation.
What is real and what is fabrication.

But don't worry Dear, you've got a dozen other things to worry about.

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