Tuesday 28 April 2015


I hadn't actually thought about a cover until now. My idea came from a brainwave while blogging at some ungodly hour last night.
Since i'm trying to patronise in order to evoke emotion why not go all out on the cover.

Little boxes full of ticky tacky things
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2_2lGkEU4Xs << this is the song I got the idea from

The actual song doesn't have much to do with my project but I felt that the line of the song perfectly belittled the issues. And its like we put the issues in little boxes in our minds and don't think about them.

For the title I decided I wanted it in little boxes so that it fit in with the layout of the visuals inside. I only did 3 variations as a time saving method. but it turned out to take a long time to layer the letters on top and repeat the boxes so that they sat in a balanced formation.

I did my name in the format too and then because I wasn't sure what to have as a back cover I just repeated the boxes without the lettering. 

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