Tuesday 28 April 2015

How Psycho changed cinema


Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho was a horror movie that has inspired many in its wake. There are many details that were considered in order to alienate and confuse the audience, leaving them in a vulnerable state perfect for the thrill of a horror movie jump.
The music in  his film was a very important factor, Hitchcock tripled the composers salary because he felt that it made the film what it is. A earlier screening shown to test audiences was played without the music and the audience showed significantly less emotional responses. A horror movie is something that has to immerse you in all your senses, to trick your mind into playing along with the plot.

Hitchcok chose to film the movie in black and white even though he was already doing films in colour at the time. The regulations on horror would not have allowed a vivid technicolour gore scene so the way to hold back the gore levels was to eliminate colour. At which point they could concentrate on making realistic gore without having to worry about restrictions.

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