Tuesday 28 April 2015

Essay Planning like a pro

I've done the research first and I've split my essay into 3 parts. I'm trying to break it down into as many manageable sections as I can because I tend to struggle writing such large amounts without getting off point and lost in irrelevant ramblings. This way each paragraph has a point that I'm working towards. This is the kind of planning I lacked last year and I'm definitely going to improve upon last year. Being able to pick my own question means that I actually understand what I'm answering and it's something of personal interest. 
I read some books on technology and deensitization like 'trigger happy' (Poole, S, 2000. Trigger Happy. Illustrated reprint. New York: Arcade Pub.) but the information inside, while it helped me to form some oopinions and idea's for arguments the actual wording and what it was in reference to (videogames) is less than relevant to my essay so I probably won't be quoting from it.

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