Tuesday 28 April 2015

One million mouths

In Jesse Jacobs 'Even the giants' there are quite a few examples of this panelling technique. I like how it makes the whole thing a structure, something tangible. It makes it seem like a scene rather than a comic. This is the kind of comic that would work as a print .
I think this will be something good for me to try because I'm trying to get across quite complicated points that may need lots of text to support it and this way I can space out the text among drawing.
Also because the boxes all house different characters I can stress the amount of people effected by issues.

I like the simple colour scheme here it works with the text which is cool and flippant so the blue compliments it well.

I think I would try a more varied colour scheme because I've been using colour as bait to draw people in and I think monotone pallets mixed with serious text will make the whole piece too heavy. Because even though its going to deal with important topics I want the tone to not be too heavy. The flippant and patronising remarks mixed in will help to solve that. I want to show people that they should care but not in a ay that I'm just preaching and showing gory images for the shock factor. The patronising tone is to evoke a reaction in the reader so that they realise these things are important but it was from their own deducing and not a preachy comic.

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