Monday 27 April 2015

Drawing from life: Millenium Square

So I sat in Millenium square to draw people because its a busy area and people are walking through going places so it's interesting to see how they interact with their technology.
Most people I saw were attached to their phones, unfortunately that's pretty much all I saw. People have some serious addictions to their phones. I didn't stay too long because it was absolutely freezing and I seemed to just be getting the same reference to draw from; people on phones.

I drew this all seeing eye to represent the phone addiction. It seems like a need to be connected at all times. Wi-fi is essential for full blown phone addiction. 

People would rather sit on their phones than talk to others
Even with company they are glued to their phone
If you sit on a bench with a stranger you must immediately get your phone out
Somehow even with looking at their phones the entire time no one bumped into each other or walked into things, has it given us a heightened peripherally vision? 

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